Don't know, personally I listen to classical music, blues, jazz, rock, heavy metal and others... Don't care about the styles that much as long as it's live music with people who are able to perform the instrument they play - it can be drums, guitar, a fricking trumpet or voice
But of course I've got my favorite as well which I'd say is Heavy Metal.
gezmoor couldn't agree with you more... had a seriously annoying conversation with one guy yesterday about Heavy Metal as he kept on moaning that it's not heavy anymore...
Agree on all what ya said except that... "In fact they were practically the first band to be called a Metal band" i still do believe that Judas Priest were one of the firsts to actually be considered Heavy Metal. Iron Maiden took a ride on the wave.
To prevent the car from spinning, first of all, brake before the turn, and turn into it nicely, avoiding any drift. If the uncontrolable does go out of control - use your imagination!
Nice post, personally been listening to all the rock/heavymetal oldies since I was 9 or so... Still I'd stay that on whole rap is pretty much crap. But I might agree that some of the very early stuff isn't that shit compared to current songs by other artists.
Oh well, as I clicked on this thread it made quite a lot of sense to me - as long as I'll get to meet my baby today then it'll be the best day of this year....
but fair enough... happy birthday! Jeez...
Got some hair vax now to make it more funky :-} And judging from tonite, girls do prefer it shorter Although babe missed the chance to feel the flufyness of my old hair
P.S. Tell me to stop being sarcastic and messin' up stuff. Rargh stupid me